Ethics is the final preliminary to the human destiny stage.
Of itself, it can take a human all the way to freedom from suffering.
One step further is Awakening.
The tentacle, emptied of Ego viewpoints, is just an eye for the
Centre itself. The function of the tentacle is, therefore, just to see
accurately, so that the Centre sees accurately. It is then the Centre, with all
its resources, that responds, not the tentacle.
Obviously if the tentacle is a doctor and the seeing is a road
accident, he will respond with his individual skills, too.
But for the seeing of major expanses of evil and suffering, which can
cause even the most able and compassionate man to lose heart (There’s nothing I
can do! or even Nothing can be done!), accurate seeing is all
that is required. The resources of the Centre respond. The burden of
responsibility is removed from the individual tentacle.
The final, and intended, stage of human development is reached.
Q. And what about the Egoistic knowledge of
outside that we have relied upon for so long for our responses to the world
It is replaced by conscience =
knowing from within (i.e. from the Centre itself) e.g. What is on your plate?