Tuesday 9 February 2010


kama-raga : "Desire for sense objects" the fourth fetter.

The senses contact a sense object. This causes feelings to arise. The feelings can be pleasant, unpleasant or neutral. If the feeling is pleasant, it can give rise to strong desire and clinging (see The Dependent Origination). It is this clinging that constitutes the fetter. It binds you down to the sangsara where all these desirable sense objects exist and so you come back again in order to experience them. You can't escape because you keep coming back. 

It's not only sexual lust (as often translated). It is any sense contacting any sense object. Think of those Roman gluttons who, having eaten as much as they could, took an emetic, vomited it all up and returned to the table! Think of the youngsters going everywhere with earphones of music. Et cetera.

New Project: The Fifth Sanyojana

(See Sanyojana The Buddha's Doctrine of the TEN FETTERS)

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