Monday 15 February 2010


vyapada: ill-will, the fifth fetter.

This is a spectrum of feeling ranging from the slightest irritation to blind hatred and produces corresponding actions of thought, word and deed. Irritation is the acorn, hatred the fully grown oak. When the contact of sense base with a sense object results in a feeling which is unpleasant, vyapada can arise. Just as unwise reflection on a pleasant object and the associated feeling can result in attraction and attachment, so unwise reflection on an unpleasant object can result in repulsion. 

In either case, clinging is the result and a fetter is created which binds you to the level on which these objects exist, i.e. the sangsara. If you go back to a room to meet your lover or to settle accounts with your enemy, in either case you go back to the same room - the room of birth and death.

New Project: The Sixth Sanyojana

(See Sanyojana The Buddha's Doctrine of the TEN FETTERS)

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