Friday, 23 September 2016


Tennis is a game. A game is for enjoyment and recreation.
Knocking up WITH someone, you stop just as soon as you’ve had enough in the Present. Then you go off and enjoy yourself doing something else.
Playing tennis AGAINST someone is not playing for enjoyment and recreation. It is not “playing tennis” at all. It is competing to WIN. Purely for EGO. Once the stakes get higher (i.e. for money), it is fighting to win. The language used to report it reveals this: “Murray fought back from two sets down” and the behaviour and language of the players on court emphasises it. 
Instead of enjoyment, you get Egoic victory and excitement if you win and Egoic defeat and despair if you lose. You don’t know which it will be until it finishes and you can’t  “stop just as soon as you’ve had enough in the Present”. You have to wait until it’s over. The “game” might last hours and all the time victory or defeat lie in the Future, i.e. thoughts in the mind.
Even the spectators get contaminated by this, especially when the stakes are high. They experience excitement or despair since they tend to identify (ego again) with one or other of the players.
Why do we waste our time on all this? We don’t. EGO wastes OUR TIME
Then he stores it in our memories to fashion his CV.


                    My task
            (and yours)
            (and always has been)
             to get rid of you and me
             to get rid of us and them
             to get rid of was and will be
             to get rid of should and should not
             to get rid of might and mightn’t
            (and always has been)
             to wake up
             from the dreams of our identities
             and find ourselves
             where we have always been
             where we have always been.


Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452, and there was no Holland and Barrett in those days, but he was far in advance of most people today and refused all animal food because of his deep compassion for animals. He fully realised the implications of the barbaric carnivorous diet for every other creature on earth.  In his Notebooks (published by Oxford University Press) he describes the human carnivore as follows:

“'King of Animals', as thou has been described. I should rather say, ‘King of Beasts’, thou being the greatest, because thou dost only help them in order that they may give thee thy children for the benefit of thy gullet of which thou hast tried to make a sepulchre for all animals.---Now does not Nature produce enough simple vegetarian food for thee to satisfy thyself? And if thou art not content with such, canst thou not by the mixture of them make infinite compounds as Platina describes, and other writers on food.”

Leonardo accurately predicted the present day destruction of the environment and the abuse of all living creatures - In a section of his Notebooks, entitled Prophesies, he states:

“Of the cruelty of men---Creatures shall be seen on earth who will always be fighting one with another, with the greatest losses and frequent deaths on either side. There will be no bounds to their malice; by their strong limbs a great portion of the trees in the vast forests of the world shall be laid low, and when they are filled with food the gratification of their desire shall be to deal out death, affliction, labour, terror and banishment to every living thing; and from their boundless pride they will desire to rise towards heaven, but their excessive weight of their limbs shall hold them down, Nothing shall remain on the earth or under the earth or in the waters that shall not be pursued, disturbed,  or spoiled, and that which is in one country removed into another. And their bodies shall be made a tomb and the means of transit of all the living bodies which they have slain. O earth. Why dost thou not open up and hurl them into the deep fissures of thy vast abysses and caverns, and no longer display in the sight of heaven so cruel and vile a monster?”  

Leonardo’s Notebooks (published by Oxford University Press)