Tennis is a game. A game is for enjoyment and recreation.
Knocking up WITH someone, you stop just as soon as you’ve had enough in the Present. Then you go off and enjoy yourself doing something else.
Playing tennis AGAINST someone is not playing for enjoyment and recreation. It is not “playing tennis” at all. It is competing to WIN. Purely for EGO. Once the stakes get higher (i.e. for money), it is fighting to win. The language used to report it reveals this: “Murray fought back from two sets down” and the behaviour and language of the players on court emphasises it.
Instead of enjoyment, you get Egoic victory and excitement if you win and Egoic defeat and despair if you lose. You don’t know which it will be until it finishes and you can’t “stop just as soon as you’ve had enough in the Present”. You have to wait until it’s over. The “game” might last hours and all the time victory or defeat lie in the Future, i.e. thoughts in the mind.
Even the spectators get contaminated by this, especially when the stakes are high. They experience excitement or despair since they tend to identify (ego again) with one or other of the players.
Why do we waste our time on all this? We don’t. EGO wastes OUR TIME
Then he stores it in our memories to fashion his CV.
My task
(and yours)
(and always has been)
to get rid of you and me
to get rid of us and them
to get rid of was and will be
to get rid of should and should not
to get rid of might and mightn’t
(and always has been)
to wake up
from the dreams of our identities
and find ourselves
where we have always been
where we have always been.
Leonardo accurately predicted the present day destruction of the environment and the abuse of all living creatures - In a section of his Notebooks, entitled Prophesies, he states:
(and yours)
(and always has been)
to get rid of you and me
to get rid of us and them
to get rid of was and will be
to get rid of should and should not
to get rid of might and mightn’t
(and always has been)
to wake up
from the dreams of our identities
and find ourselves
where we have always been
where we have always been.