Wednesday 2 February 2011


Vipakha kamma means resultant kamma.  All kamma has results.  It is cause and effect.  Vipakha kamma focuses on the result.  Particularly on the karmic results we inherit in the present.

Sometimes we go through a bad patch and things are not going well, but there seems to be no obvious cause. Of course there is a cause, it's just that we can't remember it or can't make the connection between "doing this" and getting that".  Particularly, if it was done a long time ago, in a previous life perhaps.  If we can't see any way of doing anything about it but realise that it is the result of previous kamma, we can put up with it more easily.  We can therefore avoid negative states of mind and responses.  Otherwise our negative responses would result in the creation of more kamma and would prolong an undesirable chain of events.

The Juggler throws his batons at the sun.
The sky throws them back again
like rain,
each and every one.

Surely by now he knows what it is he’s gaining?

Come Mr Juggler,
look at it from your point of view,
just how long has it been raining?

On you?

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