INSIDE OUT indicates the direction of flow: from the Centre outwards into the Universe of Becoming. Obviously, everything "out there" has come from the Centre, the Point of Origin. Our Point of Origin is in the centre of our physical bodies but is unnoticed and forgotten by most beings that have physical forms. If we don't overlook or lose sight of it, then all of our behaviour (thought, word and deed) is grounded in the Centre, flows from it and is in harmony with everything else "out there" which has the same origin as ourselves. We are therefore able to sustain contact with our Point of Origin. We do not go astray and, in the end, we return to it.
OUTSIDE IN indicates a flow in the opposite direction: from the Universe of Becoming "out there" into our minds. Everything "out there" seems separate and competing with everything else for survival and happiness. Points of views and knowledge arise based upon this separateness, self and other, me and you. A cloud of thinking founded on multiplicity obscures our ability to see clearly. We do things which cause suffering to ourselves and others.
INSIDE OUT OR OUTSIDE IN. We have to chose. Worldly values (the World) or ethical values (the Centre)?
Ethics shows us that it is wrong to kill (Who cuts off his own hand?). Worldly wisdom says that we need the protein from meat and explains that if, for example, a country like Denmark gave up exporting meat and dairy products, it would be a very poor country indeed.
Indeed. But it would also be richer spiritually and happier. Because the more you tune into the Centre, the happier you are. And the more you adjust to the wisdom of the world (compromise), the more you cause suffering (and suffer).
Ethics is the highest science,
concerned with surviving,
not merely knowing.
A man without Ethics
is already drowning;
ever sinking
ever lower
in a sea of being.